Stage 2 of Building MFM4M Nationwide

As MOBILIZING FORMER MILITARY FOR MISSIONS (MFM4M) is building nationwide in 2017 (Top 20 US military cities), we will SOON be looking for MILITARY SERVICE leads to represent areas EAST & WEST of the Mississippi.  As MFM4M began growing, we did not want to "astroturf" any aspect of this national outreach.  In particular, we wanted the initial stages and locations to develop organically from the interest of the early community that developed.  Amazingly, a large number of military members and former military members have been communicating with MFM4M on their interest in bringing MFM4M to certain bases and locations they feel called to minister.

As MFM4M scales up in 2017, we will need national service leads SOON in addition to those base/city location leads.  Here's a preliminary look at what that national structure COULD LOOK LIKE for MFM4M in the later-half of 2017:    

MFM4M US Army Lead for East of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Marine Corps Lead for East of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Navy Lead for East of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Air Force Lead for East of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Coast Guard Lead for East of the Mississippi

MFM4M US Army Lead for West of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Marine Corps Lead for West of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Navy Lead for West of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Air Force Lead for West of the Mississippi
MFM4M US Coast Guard Lead for West of the Mississippi

If any of this 2017 vision resonates with you please consider helping us grow MFM4M with your prayers, talents, support, partnership, endorsement, or good ideas.  

MOBILIZING FORMER MILITARY FOR MISSIONS (MFM4M) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization championing the unique skills and talents that former military members have for the task of FINISHING the Great Commission.